Coding Test Platform

Expertly Assess, Hire with Certainty

AI Recruiting Software That Saves Time and Resources

Codeaid’s AI Interviewer is your futuristic partner in the recruitment process.

From autonomously generating tailored interview questions to conducting them in real-time, our system ensures efficient and unbiased talent assessments. This AI recruiting solution streamlines the hiring workflow, allowing recruiters to focus on top-tier talent, while the tech effortlessly handles the intricacies.

Experience the new age of recruitment with Codeaid’s AI recruitment tool.

Developer Assessment: Evaluating Skills with Real Challenges

It’s time to move past traditional coding assessments that don’t truly capture a developer abilities.

Codeaid offers a robust new way to assess developers against realistic challenges so you can make sure you have the best talent in your team.

Why Codeaid?  
It’s The Smarter Way to Test Developers

We have been in tech-hiring for 15+ years, so we understand the challenges and expenses of trying to recruit developers. 

We searched extensively but did not find a truly fit-for-purpose coding assessment tool – so we decided to create our own. 

Now, we officially present to you Codeaid, the developer testing tool offering the most comprehensive and challenging assessments available, featuring tests 10x longer than the industry average. 

Codeaid effectively simulates the daily workflow and environment that developers encounter, resulting in an accurate evaluation of their skills and on-the-job performance. 

And the cherry on top? Our sophisticated scoring algorithm is the most precise and granular on the market, examining candidates based on a variety of factors. From advanced algorithms to architecture design to problem-solving abilities, this formidable testing tool provides a complete skill profile to help you better understand a developer’s strengths, weaknesses, and problem-solving approach. 



Automated Scoring Because We Value Your Time

Say goodbye to wasted time on back-and-forth emails and hello to a smoother, automated, and controlled code test assessment tool. We believe our test scoring system is the most automated on the market today, and it not only checks code output but the code structure itself. 


Assess Proficiency in Complex Software Development

Our programming tests check for knowledge that separates the developer wheat from the chaff. 

Codeaid is not just about testing languages or frameworks. You will be able to evaluate how candidates grasp more complex coding concepts such as OOD/OOP, asynchronous programming, API development, and design pattern usage in all their different complexities.


ChatGPT-Proof Coding Assessments for Talent Evaluation

Worried about AI-generated code? Fear not!

Codeaid stands out as a ChatGPT-proof solution for assessing developers by emphasizing test length and uniqueness. Its comprehensive, in-depth tests challenge both human candidates and AI systems like ChatGPT 

The length of our challenges combined with built-in plagiarism and similarity score features, evaluates test-takers’ understanding and problem-solving abilities, ensuring genuine talent shines through. 


Experience Our Core Features for Free, Forever*

We love our tool, and we believe so strongly in it that we’ve decided to give you access to all our core features for free forever. This way, you can evaluate developers with confidence without breaking the bank.  

An in-depth, real-world simulated test system 

Precise and granular fully automated scoring 

Multiple programming languages and frameworks  

Email-integrated messaging system  

A unique Git-based testing system 


Upgrade for Premium Power 

But if you’re looking for even more powerful features to streamline your hiring process, our premium subscription plans are designed to offer advanced options and support to elevate your developer assessment experience. With Codeaid, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs, ensuring you’re always one step ahead in your tech-hiring journey.

All our core features

A fully multi-tenant system  

Flexible time limit extensions  

Feedback and fix features 

Manual grading options  

Candidate profiles  

Top-tier customer support 


Upgrade for Premium Power 

But if you’re looking for even more powerful features to streamline your hiring process, our premium subscription plans are designed to offer advanced options and support to elevate your developer assessment experience. With Codeaid, you can choose the plan that best suits your needs, ensuring you’re always one step ahead in your tech-hiring journey.

All our core features

A fully multi-tenant system

Flexible time limit extensions

Feedback and fix features

Manual grading options

Candidate profiles

Top-tier customer support


What Our Customer Say

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a code test?

Code tests are ingenious tools designed to help you discover the crème de la crème of coding talent, ensuring that your next hire is not only proficient in their craft but also able to look at problems critically while adhering to best practices.  

At their core, they are a curated collection of problems and exercises to measure a candidate’s coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and knowledge of specific programming languages and tools.  

They also come in various forms, from online coding challenges to whiteboard interviews to fully simulated real-world projects (like Codeaid, of course), and can cover a wide array of topics, including data structures, algorithms, and various other software design principles. 

Why are coding assessments an essential hiring tool?

Coding assessments have emerged as an essential hiring tool that empowers organizations to identify top-tier talent in the vast ocean of aspiring programmers. By providing a fair, objective, and quantifiable measure of an individual’s technical abilities, these assessments enable recruiters to streamline the hiring process, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates progress to the interview stage. This not only saves precious time but also helps resources focus on the work they do best. 

These coding assessments also offer the opportunity for candidates to showcase their problem-solving prowess, creativity, and adaptability in real-world scenarios. These qualities are paramount in the ever-changing technological landscape, as they signify the potential for innovation and growth. 

How does Codeaid compare to other code test platforms?

In a world brimming with code testing platforms, Codeaid breaks the traditional code testing mold by providing an exceptional, realistic environment that simulates real-world development scenarios. This unique approach allows candidates to fully immerse themselves in the same workflow and environment that developers use daily, offering a more accurate assessment of their skills and adaptability.  

And because Codeaid sports the most granular scoring algorithm on the market to date, it enables employers to gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s ability to navigate the intricacies of real-world software development, showcasing their problem-solving prowess and technical expertise. 

How do the subscription invitation credits work?

Subscription invites are provided on a monthly basis, with a specific number of invites allotted for each month. These invites have an expiration date, meaning they must be used within the month they are allocated. When a new month begins, the invite count resets, and users receive their allocated invites for that month.

What are the invite credit packs?

Invite Credit Packs are additional invites users can purchase when they need more invites than their subscription plan provides. 

Can invitation credits be reclaimed once a candidate starts a challenge?

No, once the candidate starts the challenge, the invitation is consumed and cannot be reclaimed or reused. 

What happens if a challenge is cancelled or expires before the candidate starts the challenge?

If the candidate does not start the challenge and it is cancelled or expired, the invitation is then reclaimed and can be reused for inviting another candidate.

However, in the case of subscription invitations, the cancellation or expiration of the challenge needs to be within the same month that it was sent to be able to be reclaimed.

What happens to a subscription invitation if it is not used in the month that it was sent, and the challenge expires or is cancelled in a different month?

If the invitation is sent during one calendar month, but the candidate doesn’t start the challenge, and the challenge expires or gets cancelled in a different month, the invitation will not be reclaimed and will be forfeited. 

Do invite credit packs expire?

No, these invites do not expire and can be used regardless of the current month. 

For example, if the invitation is sent during one month, but the candidate doesn’t start the challenge, and the challenge expires or gets cancelled in a different month, the invitation will be reclaimed and can be reused for inviting another candidate. 

Note: Should you decide to fully deactivate your Codeaid account, any credit packs will be lost and cannot be restored if the account is reactivated at a later stage.  
You will be able to maintain your credit packs, should you decide to downgrade your Team plan to the Free plan. However, when upgrading to the Enterprise plan, credit packs will be lost as Enterprise plan members receive unlimited invites per month.

Supported languages and frameworks